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Results: Effect of denture base reinforcement

Shady M El Naggar, Mohamed I Seif El Nasr, Hassan M Sakr , Sherihan M Eissa, Asmaa N Elboraey, Amani R Moussa

Table 1 and 2 showed the IgA level during the follow-up periods of group I and II. Comparison of the effect of denture base reinforcement using mesh and conventional dentures on the level of salivary IgA was presented in Table 3.

In group I, when comparing the mean values of IgA before denture insertion and 2 hrs. Following denture use, there was an increase in the mean value; however, this increase was statistically insignificant (P>0.05). On the other hand, after 3 and 7 days of denture use, there were an increase in the mean values of IgA and this increase was statistically significant (P>0.05).

Table 1. the level of salivary IgA in group I

Time M ± SD (g/L) P-value
Before denture insertion (control) 90a±6.24  
After denture insertion by 2 hours 92a±3.02  
After 3 Days 113b±7.47 0.00**
After 7 Days 132c±8.9  

M: Mean, SD: Standard Deviation, P: Probability level; Means with the same superscript letter were insignificant different; Means with the different superscript letter were significantly different; **significant difference.

Similarly, group II demonstrated an increase in the mean values of IgA following denture insertion. And this increase was statistically significant after 3 and 7 days of denture use (P<0.05)

Table 2: the level of salivary IgA in group II

Time M±SD(g/L) P-value
Before denture insertion (control) 94a±5.4  
After denture insertion by 2 hours 96a±4.2  
After 3 days 122b±8.7 0.00
After 7 days 142c±9.1  

M: Mean, SD: Standard Deviation, P: Probability level; Means with the same superscript letter were insignificantly different. Means with the different superscript letter were significantly different; **significant difference

Comparison of conventional dentures and reinforced ones (Table 3) revealed that reinforced light cured dentures showed higher mean values of IgA level during the follow-up periods. However, the increase in IgA means values were statistically insignificant (P<0.05).

Table 3: Comparison of salivary IgA levels between the two groups

  M ± SD
  Before denture insertion After denture insertion by 2 hours After 3 days After 7 days
Group I (Acrylic resin dentures) 90±6.24 92±3.02 113±7.47 132±8.9
Group II (Reinforced dentures with resin-impregnated E-glass fibres) 94±5.4 96±4.2 122±8.7 142±9.1
P-values 0.2239* 0.0633 0.06* 0.0598*

M: Mean, SD: Standard Deviation, P: Probability level

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