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Uraian: Efek penguatan basis gigi tiruan

Uraian S-IgA punya peran penting dalam mekanisme defensif dimana S-IgA turut serta dalam reaksi kekebalan tubuh dan perlindungan membran mukosa rongga mulut. Juga, konsentrasi S-IgA berkaitan dengan status fisiologis tubuh dan rongga mulut. Penurunan level S-IgA dilaporkan berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko patologi mulut. Di sisi lain, peningkatan level S-IgA berkorelasi dengan tingkat karies...

Discussion: Effect of denture base reinforcement

Discussion S-IgA has an important role in the defensive mechanism where it participates in the immune reaction and protection of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Furthermore, S-IgA concentration is related to the physiological status of the body and oral cavity. The decrease in the level of S-IgA was reported to be associated with the increased risk for oral pathology. On the other hand, t...

Hasil: Efek penguatan basis gigi tiruan

Tabel 1 dan 2 menunjukkan level IgA selama masa tindak lanjut kelompok I dan II. Perbandingan efek penguatan dasar gigi tiruan menggunakan jaring dan gigi tiruan konvensional pada level IgA saliva disajikan dalam Tabel 3. Dalam kelompok I, ketika membandingkan nilai rerata IgA sebelum penyisipan gigi tiruan dan 2 jam setelah penggunaan gigi tiruan, terdapat peningkatan nilai rerata. Tapi, peningk...

Results: Effect of denture base reinforcement

Table 1 and 2 showed the IgA level during the follow-up periods of group I and II. Comparison of the effect of denture base reinforcement using mesh and conventional dentures on the level of salivary IgA was presented in Table 3. In group I, when comparing the mean values of IgA before denture insertion and 2 hrs. Following denture use, there was an increase in the mean value; however, this incre...

Bahan & Metode: Efek penguatan basis gigi tiruan

Bahan dan metode Sebanyak 14 pasien ompong total yang perlu gigi tiruan lengkap untuk pertama kalinya dipilih dari klinik pasien rawat jalan, kedokteran mulut dan gigi, Universitas Al-Azhar Fourteen completely edentulous patients, in need of complete dentures, for the first time, were selected from the patients out clinic, Oral and dental medicine, Al Azhar University. Pasien berusia antara 45 s...

Material & methods: Effect of denture base reinfor...

Material and methods Fourteen completely edentulous patients, in need of complete dentures, for the first time, were selected from the patients out clinic, Oral and dental medicine, Al Azhar University-Boys. The patient's age ranged from 45 to 60 years. The study protocol was approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC: 18/081) of the National Research Centre. An informed written cons...

Pendahuluan: pengaruh penguatan dasar gigi tiruan

Pendahuluan Selama beberapa dasawarsa, gigi tiruan lengkap berbahan resin akrilik sudah digunakan untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup pasien ompong total. Biaya yang cukup besar, estetika, serta kemudahan pemrosesan dan perbaikan bahan resin akrilik adalah alasan utama untuk keberhasilan klinisnya. Namun, fraktur gigi tiruan telah menjadi problem yang menantang yang terjadi pada 68% kasus setelah 3...

Introduction: Effect of denture base reinforcement

Introduction For decades, acrylic resin complete dentures have been used to improve the quality of life for completely edentulous patients. The considerable cost, aesthetics, and ease of processing and repair of acrylic resin materials are the major reasons for its clinical success. However, fracture of dentures has been a challenging problem that occured in 68% of the cases after...

Pengaruh penguatan dasar gigi tiruan pakai e-serat...

Abstrak Latar belakang Masih ada kesenjangan antara penelitian in vitro dan penelitian klinis mengenai biokompatibilitas bahan dalam lingkungan mulut dan potensinya untuk menghasilkan efek samping imunologis yang tidak diinginkan. Penggunaan serat kaca untuk meningkatkan properti mekanis polimer dasar gigi tiruan resin akrilik telah didokumentasikan dengan baik secara in vitro. Aim Penelitian ...

Effect of denture base reinforcement using light c...

Abstract Background A gap still exists between in vitro and clinical studies concerning the biocompatibility of the material in the oral environment and their potential to cause immunological undesirable side effects. The uses of glass fibres to improve the mechanical properties of acrylic resin denture base polymers are well documented in vitro. Aim The present study aimed to evaluate the eff...